01. About IALS
International Academic Linguistics Seminar (IALS), held by School of Foreign Languages at Henan University, is an annual event featuring the “Five Lecture Series” by the invited keynote speakers. It is an international conference in combination with intensive training courses in particular fields of linguistics. This seminar is centered on Language and Cognition, but also pays close attention to the development of other disciplines in cognitive science. The seminar hosts the latest theories and data from the world’s best cognitive scientists, focusing on language and cognition from disciplines including linguistics, psychology, philosophy, anthropology, artificial intelligence, computer science, and education. The organizers endeavor to satisfy the general demand from the largest possible research population for the latest theories, and for direct communication with the original scholars.
02. Keynote Speaker and Schedule for IALS-8
Speaker 1: Hana Filip

Hana Filip:Professor of Semantics atHeinrich Heine Universität in Düsseldorf. Her main focus is on aspect, genericity, mass/count distinction, mereological semantics, interaction of noun phrase semantics with verbal aspect, (in)definiteness, context-dependence in semantic interpretation, integration of formal and lexical semantics. She received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from theUniversity of California at Berkeley. Her thesis, entitledAspect, Eventuality Types and Noun Phrase Semantics, was published in the OUTSTANDING DISSERTATIONS IN LINGUISTICS series,Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Before coming to Düsseldorf, she taught atStanford University,Northwestern University, at the University of Rochester in theDepartment of LinguisticsandDepartment of Brain and Cognitive Sciences,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, andUniversity of Florida.

Speaker 2: Péter HAJDU

Péter Hajdu: Péter Hajdu (1966, Budapest, Hungary) studied Literature, Greek and Latin at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, and wrote his dissertation on late Roman epic poetry. He is editor-in-chief of Neohelicon, a major international journal on comparative literature studies. He is a member of advisory boards of six international journals on literary studies (Proudy, Czech Republic; Frontiers of Narrative Studies, Germany; Recherche Litteraire/Literary Research, Belgium; Primerjalna knjievnost, Slovenia; Clotho, Slovenia; Slavica Litteraria, Czech Republic). He did extensive research in the fields of comparative literature, theory of literature, narratology, and classical philology. From 2002 to 2009 he was a member of the International Comparative Literature Association’s (ICLA) Research Committee for East and South-East Europe, 2008-2014 he was member of the standing research committee for literary theory, and 2010-2016 member of the ICLA Executive Council. 2002-2012 secretary, since 2016 president of Hungarian Comparative Literature Association. He lectured at various universities in Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, China, and Japan. He has published 6 books, 46 A&HCI and more than 110 other papers, and presented his research achievements in 95 international academic conferences. He discussed the writing of Kálmán Mikszáth, a major Hungarian prose writer in three monographs. He edited or co-edited 14 collections of articles and 4 special issues of academic journals on topics of literary theory, translation studies, nineteenth-century European literature, generic traditions, and Horace’s poetry. He has been titled Distinguished Professor at Shenzhen University since 2020.